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Quality, Health & Safety CIRIA

CIRIA C735 - Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems: 2014 [paper]

Media format BoekLanguage EngelsISBN 9780860177395SKU 1057560

Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems for buildings against hazardous ground gases  
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Maritime CIRIA

The Rock Manual: 2007 [pdf]

Media format PDFLanguage EngelsSKU 1057557

2nd Edition - CIRIA C683
1 day
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Building & Construction CIRIA

CIRIA C764: 2017 [paper]

Media format BoekLanguage EngelsSKU 1057548

Hidden defects in bridges. Guidance for detection and maintenance
verstuurd binnen 5-8 dagen
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verstuurd binnen 5-8 dagen
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