IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest professional association, serving members in computing, electrical engineering and electronics. Comprised of 37 societies and councils, IEEE publishes technical journals, magazines, proceedings, and more than 800 standards. We can supply all IEEE Standards, IEEE/ANSI Approved Standards, IEEE Computer Society Draft/Standards, as well as the Quick Reference to IEEE Standards. These documents cover topics such as: amplifiers, antennas, brushes, bushings, circuits, computers, connectors, crystals, dielectrics, diodes, generators, signal graphs, heating information theory, insulators, land vehicles, lightening arrestors, microphones, missiles, radiation receivers, rectifiers, regulators, relays, sheaths, switches, switch-gear, symbols, telemetry, telephones, television, thyristors, transducers, transformers, transmission, waveguides, and much more.
Popular IEEE standards include: NESC (National Electrical Safety Code), IEEE 802: Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture