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International Maritime Organization (IMO)

As a specialized agency of the UN, IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.

Kreisler Import is al meer dan 25 jaar een officiële IMO distributeur voor al je IMO publicaties (hardcopy, E-book, digital en online).

De meest populaire IMO publicaties zijn de IMO IMDG Code, IMO MARPOL & IMO SOLAS.

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IMO BCH Code: 2008

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO BCH Code: 2008 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280115093SKU 531479

Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) - 2008 Edition (KC772E)
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IMO Manual Oil Pollution-Section V

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Manual on Oil Pollution-Section V: 2009 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280115000SKU 100071

Administrative Aspects of Oil Pollution Response, 2009 Edition; KA572E
Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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2023 Diving Code, 2024 Edition

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO 2023 Diving Code: 2024 [e-reader]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117745SKU 522773

Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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IMO Biofouling Guidelines

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Biofouling Guidelines: 2024 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsSKU 522647

Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
In winkelmand
IMO SAR On-Scene Coordinator (IAMSAR Vol 3)

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO SAR On-Scene Coordinator (IAMSAR Vol 3): 2024 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117769SKU 522646

KTA315E | Model Course: SAR On-scene Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Volume III), 2024 Edition
Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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IMO Proficiency in fast rescue boats

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Proficiency in fast rescue boats: 2024 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117660SKU 522599

Model Course: Proficiency in fast rescue boats
Dit artikel is niet (meer) leverbaar.
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IMO Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats: 2024 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117653SKU 522598

Model Course: Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats, 2024 Edition | KTB123E
Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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IMO LSA 2023

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code: 2023 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117530SKU 522482

IMO LSA Code 2023 | KF982E
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IMO FAL Convention

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Facilitation Convention (FAL): 2024 [digital]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117561SKU 522481

IMO KE350E  | FAL Convention, 2023 Edition
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Medical Care, 2000 Edition

Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO Medical Care: 2000 [e-book]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789241547208SKU 521202

Dit artikel is niet (meer) leverbaar.
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Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention
Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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Nautical & Maritime IMO

IMO IMSBC Code and Supplement: 2023 [e-reader]

Soort E-bookTaal EngelsISBN 9789280117554SKU 522189

KL260E - International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
Binnen 2 uur (op werkdagen)
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