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International Maritime Organization (IMO)

As a specialized agency of the UN, IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.

Kreisler Import is al meer dan 25 jaar een officiële IMO distributeur voor al je IMO publicaties (hardcopy, E-book, digital en online).

De meest populaire IMO publicaties zijn de IMO IMDG Code, IMO MARPOL & IMO SOLAS.

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ICAO 9636

Aerospace, Aviation & Defense ICAO

ICAO 9636: 1995 [paper]

Soort BoekTaal EngelsISBN 9789292311933SKU 1008139

International Signs To Provide Guidance To Persons At Airports And Marine Terminals.
verstuurd binnen 3-5 dagen
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