The Admiralty Manual of Seamanship, 13th Edition 2023
This comprehensive work sets out sound seamanship principles and practices developed over many years by the UK’s Royal Navy. Published jointly by the Royal Navy and The Nautical Institute, the book is recognised as the leading publication on the subject and has been thoroughly updated for today’s seafarers. All mariners – whether on naval ships, commercial vessels or leisure craft – will benefit from its guidance on safe and well-organised working practices.
There are many updates throughout the book, some of which include:
- Maritime terminology and glossary
- Mooring, anchors, cables and buoys
- Rigging, cranes, derricks and deck gear
- Towing by tugs and other vessels
- Boat launch, recovery and handling
- Water safety, LSAs, MOB rescue and recovery
978 1 906915 74 2, 9781906915742