Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration 2023 [paper]
Commentary, Precedents & Models for UNCITRAL-based Arbitration Rules, 4th Edition
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The Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration presents a practical, rule by rule guide to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, offering in-depth commentary, analysis and support materials as used in both commercial and investment arbitration. It reviews each stage of the UNCITRAL arbitration process, from the arbitration clause, through the arbitral proceedings, to the award.
This highly anticipated fourth edition deals with the Rules as modified with the addition of the UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules that came into effect in September 2021.
International arbitration is evolving rapidly, and the Handbook provides an up-to-date analysis of key aspects of arbitration law applicable to UNCITRAL arbitration wherever conducted. It deals with issues such as:
- The procedural issues for which a majority is required under art.33(1) of the Rules and those which the presiding arbitrator is entitled to decide on his or her own in the absence of a majority under art.33(2) of the Rules.
- The obligations of collegiality within the Tribunal with respect to procedural decisions and awards.
- The conduct of virtual procedural and substantive hearings, including case management conferences.
- The due process issues relating to admission – or exclusion – of evidence and amendments to claims.
- The role of the Appointing Authorities and in particular the role of the LCIA, ICC, SIAC and the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
- The law applicable to the arbitration agreement. With a discussion of the varying and conflicting approaches reflected in Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi AS v. OOO Insurance Company Chubb & Ors [2020] UKSC 38 and Kabab-Ji SAL v Kout Food Group UK Supreme Court ([2021] UKSC 48 in the UK and Kabab-Ji in France (French Supreme Court Civ. 1iere of 28 September 2022)
- The issue of joinder of non-signatories to an arbitration with particular reference to Dallah and Kabab-Ji (in the UK and France)
- Whether the courts adopt a deferential or non-deferential approach to reviewing jurisdiction with reference in particular to the decisions in the UK and the USA.
- Whether and how to challenge and arbitrator and the most recent challenge decisions, with an updated table of over 100 of such decisions.
- The updated IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration as amended in 2020.
- The US Supreme Court decision in ZF Automotive US, Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd., 142 S.Ct. 2078 (2022) limiting the application of 28 USC §1782(a) regarding discovery in the United States in support of international arbitration.
- The most recent approaches to interim measures, including security for costs.
The Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration is based on the author’s everyday practical experience in hundreds of arbitrations. It deals with the latest trends in international arbitration relating to issues such as the conduct of disclosure, the role of experts, the conduct of virtual hearings and other attempts to render international arbitration more expeditious and cost-effective.
Also available as an eBook, please contact us for more information.
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F. Smaal
Great service and immediate responses to sent e-mails! Can everybody recommend ordering via Kreisler.
TMA Logistics
Service good. Was nicely called that a new version was coming out soon. and if I wanted to wait for this. Top
Scott Specialty Gases NL
Smooth and clear communication, delivery as agreed.
TLogistics BV
Very good. Book was out of stock but was delivered fairly quickly