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3-A SSI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing hygienic equipment design for the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. We represent the interests of three stakeholder groups with a common commitment to promoting food safety and the public health — regulatory sanitarians, equipment fabricators and processors.


Airlines for America (A4A), formerly the Air Transport Association (ATA), advocates on behalf of its members to shape crucial policies and measures that promote safety, security and a healthy U.S. airline industry. We work collaboratively with airlines, labor, Congress and the Administration and other groups to improve air travel for everyone.

Aluminum Association standards are used throughout all facets of aluminum commerce, as well as in other organizations’ codes and standards. Aluminum alloy and temper designations, chemical composition limits and registered properties in North America are developed under approval of ANSI Accredited Standards Committee H35 – Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Aluminum Association (AA) standards are promulgated by the Technical Committee on Product Standards (TCPS).

AAMI is a unique alliance of more than 6,000 members from around the world united by one mission — to increase the understanding and beneficial use of medical instrumentation through effective standards, educational programs, and publications. AAMI is dedicated to serving professionals in the medical device industry and is the premier developer of standards relating to safety, performance and marketability of medical instrumentation.

AASHTO is a leading source of technical information on design, construction and maintenance of highways and other transportation facilities, including aviation, highways, public transit, rail, and water. We provide all AASHTO specifications, provisional standards, standard test methods, recommended practices, guide specifications, manuals, the Bridge Welding Code, annual meeting procedures, the Reference Book of Member Department Personnel & Committees, U.S. Numbered Highways, and interstates research.

AASHTO standards on our website

AATCC is the world’s leading not-for-profit association serving textile professionals. AATCC provides test method development, quality control materials, and professional networking for thousands of members in 60 countries throughout the world. We provide all AATCC test methods and evaluation procedures which cover the testing of dyed and treated fibers and fabrics for performance characteristics such as: colorfastness, crease resistance, shrinkability, water resistance, flammability, and soil resistance.

ABMA members include manufacturers of commercial/institutional, industrial and power-generating boilers, makers of related fuel-burning equipment, users of boiler and boiler-related equipment, and industry suppliers.

ABS develops “Rules” for building and classing which cover a range of vessels from offshore mobile drilling units to concrete vessels and sophisticated research and mining ships. ABS establishes “Rules” for classification, which are concerned with the periodic survey of these vessels, assuring fitness for their intended service. The information in ABS publications reflects current technology as established and updated by the Bureau’s Technical Committees.

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a nonprofit technical and educational society organized in 1904 and is one of the world’s leading authorities on concrete technology. ACI publishes reliable information on concrete and its applications, conducts educational seminars and provides a standard certification program for the industry.

The SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC), formerly ADS, operates as a trade association providing a unique framework serving the automotive, aerospace and commercial vehicle sectors. The 4500+ SAE ITC TSC Aerospace Standards cover airframe and engine standard parts (AS, AGS & ESC), reference sheets (RS) and technical specifications (TS). The documents also complement the aerospace standards published by SAE International.

Founded by Thomas Edison and his associates in 1885, AEIC is one of the oldest organizations in the electric energy industry. AEIC committees encourages research and the exchange of technical information, ideas and solutions to succeed in the ever-changing electric industry.

AENOR’s mission is to contribute, through the development of Standardization and Certification, to the improvement of quality within companies and also of their products and services, as well as to protect the environment and, therefore, the well-being of society.

AES Standards are of interest to record companies, recording studios, television studios, sound reinforcement companies, etc.

We can supply out of the most extensive collection of Military and Government specifications and standards. In addition to the current/active publications, we can also supply historical publications.

AFCEN produces up-to-date codes offering accurate and practical rules for the design, construction and in-service inspection of components for use in industrial or experimental nuclear facilities (RCC codes) for those actively involved in both the French and international nuclear or conventional energy industry (when operating in the nuclear sector).

As the French representative within European and international standards organizations, AFNOR works to the benefit of the innovation, performance and sustainable development of companies and civil society.

The American Gas Association represents companies delivering natural gas to customers to help meet their energy needs. AGA members are committed to delivering natural gas safely, reliably, cost-effectively and in an environmentally responsible way. AGA documents include standards on Gas Displacement Meters, as well as the National Fuel Gas Code, National Fuel Gas Code Handbook, and the Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems.

AGMA standards and technical reports covering subjects such as: spur, bevel, helical, worm, hyoid and spiral gears; specifications for gear materials and lubricants; gear nomenclature (geometric), definitions, symbols and abbreviations; Information sheet gear scoring design guide for aerospace spur and helical power gears; surface temper inspection process; design of components, enclosed gear drives, bearings, bolting keys and shafting; design manual for bevel gears; system design of general industrial double-enveloping wormgears; design manual for fine-pitch gearing; practice for high-speed helical and herringbone gear units; bore and keyway sizes for flexible couplings; balance classification for flexible couplings; and standards for metric usage.

AIA represents the nation’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of civil, military, and business aircraft, helicopters, Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs), space systems, aircraft engines, missiles, materiel, and related components, equipment, services, and information technology.

Popular AIA/NAS standards include: NAS 410: Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel, NAS 3610: Specification for Cargo Unit Load Devices

AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space and defense. Standards in the industry provide many benefits including economies of scale, expanded trade possibilities, and increased resource flow and serve as an information resource and publisher for aerospace engineers, scientists, managers, policy makers, students, and educators.

The Automotive Industry Action Group is a global association founded in 1982 by a group of visionary managers from Chrysler, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors whose mission is to streamline industry processes and resolve global supply chain issues via the adoption of common business practices and interoperable business systems. Quality requirements, guidelines, best practices and training initiatives developed and implemented by AIAG member companies save the industry millions of dollars annually by driving rework, error and scrap out of the global automotive supply chain.

AIChE is the world’s leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with more than 50,000 members from over 100 countries. AIChE has the breadth of resources and expertise one needs whether being in core process industries or emerging areas, such as translational medicine.

AISC’s mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural- steel-related technical and market-building activities, including: specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development. AISC has a long tradition of service to the steel construction industry providing timely and reliable information.

AISI serves as the voice of the North American steel industry in the public policy arena and advances the case for steel in the marketplace as the preferred material of choice. AISI also plays a lead role in the development and application of new steels and steelmaking technology.

ALI/Ladder is the ANSI-approved developer of standards for ladder safety. These standards contain technical specifications developed and tested by subject experts, which prescribe rules governing the safety of construction, design, testing, care and use of various types of ladders; revisions occur on a 5-year cycle.

AMCA serves the international air movement and control industry with certification programs, application manuals, product-rating manuals, test methods and ANSI-approved standards for industrial, commercial, and residential air-handling equipment.

The core purpose of ANS is to promote the awareness and understanding of the application of nuclear science and technology. ANS standards cover such topics as design criteria for nuclear power stations, criticality control of fuel mixtures, radioactive dosage criteria, concrete radiation shields, accident alarm systems for nuclear plants, safety guide for the performance of critical experiments, determining design basis flooding at power reactor sites, evaluation of surface water supplies for nuclear power sites, and selection qualification and training of personnel for nuclear power plants.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) empowers its members and constituents to strengthen the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy while helping to assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment. ANSI supports the development and approval of national voluntary standards, develops accreditation programs, and serves as U.S. representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO). ANSI is actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards – including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems.

ANSI standards on our website

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a leader in the development of petroleum and petrochemical equipment and operating standards covering topics that range from drill bits to environmental protection. These embrace proven, sound engineering and operating practices and safe, interchangeable equipment and materials. Many have been incorporated into state and federal regulations and adopted by ISO for worldwide acceptance.

API distributes more than 200,000 publications each year. The publications, technical standards, and electronic and online products are designed to help users improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their operations, comply with legislative and regulatory requirements, and safeguard health, ensure safety, and protect the environment.

API standards on our website

AREMA standards including the Manual for Railway Engineering (Fixed Properties), and Trackwork Plans. These publications cover items such as: ballast, ties, timber, concrete and steel structures, railway crossings, yards and terminals, waterproofing and maintenance, and track layouts.

With more than 80 years of focused perspective forged from supporting globally integral markets—Aviation, Transportation, Security, Government, and Aerospace—ARINC is built on capabilities that continuously redefine innovation, efficiency and cost optimization. A leader and visionary in communications, engineering and systems integration ARINC supports more than 15,000 aircraft, 300 airlines, 150 airports, 200 train systems, over half of North America’s nuclear power plants and other critical national infrastructure, and over a dozen military aircraft platforms.

ARINC Standards specify the air transport avionics equipment and systems used by more than 10,000 commercial aircraft worldwide.

We can supply from the most extensive collection of Military and Government specifications and standards. In addition to the current/active publications, we can also supply historical publications.

Standards Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organization recognized by the Australian Government as the peak non-government Standards body in Australia. The organization develops internationally aligned Australian Standards® that enhance the nation’s economic efficiency, international competitiveness and contribution to community demand for a safe and sustainable environment. Standards Australia is the Australian member of ISO and IEC.

Standards New Zealand is the National Standards Body of New Zealand, operating under the auspices of the Standards Council. As New Zealand’s representative for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Standards New Zealand ensures that New Zealand has a voice in the international Standards community. New Zealand Standards are used by a diverse range of organizations to enhance their products and services, improve safety and quality, meet industry best practice, and support trade into existing and new markets. The majority of these standards are developed in partnership with Standards Australia.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 140,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is the world’s largest publisher for civil engineering information.

All ASCE standards, manuals and reports on engineering practices covering design and construction of structures. These publications cover items such as maintenance of multilane highways, sedimentation engineering, groundwater management, technical procedure for city surveys, sanitary landfill, design of structures to resist nuclear weapons effects, report on small craft harbors.

ASCE standards on our website

ASD-STAN is an association which establishes, develops and maintains standards on behalf of that European aerospace industry. ASD-STAN publishes and sells online its own standards-library documents and is a distributor for the independently produced SAE ITC E&A (former ADS standards) standards and ASD-STAN related DIN EN standards.

ASD-STAN isrecognised as the European body for the development of global aerospace standards by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG).

With more than 2000 EN’s – which is 11% of the available EN-Standards in Europe – ASD-STAN is one of the major providers of European Norms. In addition 877 prENs and 64 Technical Reports are already published by ASD-STAN which will be transferred to European Norms in the near future. Currently there are 691 standard developments by around 450 involved experts of the European aerospace industry.

Established consensus for test methods and performance criteria. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.

ASHRAE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute.

Is the world’s largest association of metals-centric materials scientists and engineers with over 30,000 members worldwide. ASM is dedicated to informing, educating and connecting the materials community to solve problems and stimulate innovation around the world.

ASM has over 60,000 members worldwide specializing in metallurgy, alloys and a broad range of material sciences, including ceramics, polymers, plastics and composites.

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.
To serve diverse global communities by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life; and communicating the excitement of engineering.

ASME standards on our website

Is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With individual and organizational members around the world, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world’s corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow’s critical challenges.

ASQ provides the quality community with training, professional certifications, and knowledge to a vast network of members of the global quality community.

ASTM is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards.
More than 13,000+ ASTM standards are used worldwide to improve product quality, enhance safety and facilitate trade.

ASTM standards on our website

ATIS brings together leading global organizations in information and communication technology (ICT). Together, they work to advance industry priorities such as cloud services, device solutions, M2M communications, cyber security, network evolution, and more. ATIS is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and a major United States contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications sectors.

AWS is a nonprofit organization with a global mission to advance the science, technology and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes, including brazing, soldering and thermal spraying. AWS strives to move the industry forward in both thought and action, as well as inspire new generations to see the exciting career opportunities available today.
AWS manuals, textbooks, and papers on brazing, soldering, metallurgy, welding inspection, welding qualification and certification, safety and health for welders, and the widely-used AWS D1.1/D1.1M – Structural Welding Code – Steel.

AWS standards on our website

For more than 100 years AWWA has developed voluntary standards of minimum requirements for materials, equipment and practices used in water treatment and supply. AWWA Standards are used by thousands of manufacturers, distributors and water treatment facilities worldwide to ensure the highest quality products and service.

AWWA standards on our website


The B11 series of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Technical Reports consists of nearly three dozen different documents that deal with machine / machinery / machine tool safety, and they specify requirements for both the manufacturers (suppliers) and users of the machines.
De vak uitgever voor de bouw, architectuur en vastgoedsector.
BIS with more than 500 qualified technical and scientific personnel and more than 25000 experts voluntarily associated with standardization activity, has made a very significant and valuable contribution to the orderly growth of the country’s economy. BIS has so far formulated over 19000 standards in various technology areas, which help the industry in upgrading the quality of their goods and services.
Bestaat uit Boom Juridische uitgevers, Boom bestuurskunde, Boom criminologie en Eleven international publishing.

BRE Press is the publisher for the Building Research Establishment and National House-Building Council (NHBC) Foundation. Technical information and guidance for construction, sustainability and fire prevention professionals.

Building design, civil engineering, construction, energy use in buildings, environment and services, fire and security, housing, sustainability

NHBC Foundation
Housing, renewable energy, sustainable construction, zero carbon homes

Brown, Son and Ferguson is a nautical publishers, printers and ships’ stationers since 1832.

Brown, Son and Ferguson books on our website

BSI Standards is the business standards company that helps organizations all over the world make excellence a habit. For more than a century we have been challenging mediocrity and complacency to help embed excellence into the way people and products work. That means showing businesses how to improve performance, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. As a global leader in helping organizations improve, our clients range from high profile brands to small, local companies in 172 countries worldwide.

A popular BSI standard is the BS PD 5500, which specifies requirements for the design, construction, inspection and testing of unfired pressure vessels.


As the UK’s specialist aviation regulator we ensure that:

  • the aviation industry meets the highest safety standards
  • consumers have choice, value for money, are protected and treated fairly when they fly
  • we drive improvements in airlines and airports’ environmental performance
  • the aviation industry manages security risks effectively.

Professional books, textbooks, monographs, reference works, English language teaching publications, software and electronic publishing.

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation.

CGA has been dedicated to the development and promotion of safety standards and safe practices in the industrial gas industry. A wide range of standards, technical information and recommendations for best practices in the manufacture, storage, transportation, distribution, and use of industrial gases, cryogenic liquids and other products, including gas-handling equipment.

The International Commission on Illumination -also known as the CIE from its French title Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage- is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting, colour and vision, photobiology and image technology. CIE publishes Standards, Technical Reports and Recommendations prepared by technical committees, with 100+ publications in print. Joint publications include the IEC/CIE International Lighting Vocabulary and ISO/CIE Standards.

As a neutral, independent and not-for-profit body, CIRIA link organisations with common interests and facilitate a range of collaborative activities that help improve the industry.

CIRIA publications on our website

The leading source for publications in the concrete sector.

CSA Group works with businesses, organizations and code authorities all around the world to help create a safer, more sustainable world for people and for business. From testing & certifying your products today for safety & performance requirements, to developing leading-edge, consensus-based standards to support tomorrow’s technology, we develop solutions that strive to promote safety to industry and society.


Delphi is a leading global supplier of electronics and technologies for automotive, commercial vehicle and other market segments. Operating major technical centers, manufacturing sites and customer support facilities in 30 countries, Delphi delivers real-world innovations that make products smarter and safer as well as more powerful and efficient.

Delphi standards collection contains all the Engineering Standards and Material Specifications. Delphi standards cover a variety of topics including:

  • Bulk Chemicals
  • Fasteners
  • Metals & Finishes
  • Coatings
  • Plastics & Textiles
  • Test Methods
  • Approved Source List

DIN, the German Institute for Standardization, German and English DIN standards covering a variety of subjects: Standardization, Terminology, Quality Documentation, Environment, Health Protection, Safety, Natural Sciences, Health Care Technology, Metrology and Measurement, Testing, Energy, Image Technology, Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use, Fluid Systems and Components, Machine Tools, Automation, Welding, Surface Treatment, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Office Equipment, Vehicle Engineering, Materials Handling, Aircraft and Space Vehicle Engineering, Packaging, Textile and Leather, Clothing, Agriculture, Food Technology, Housekeeping, Chemical Engineering, Mining, Paint, Metallurgy, Paper Industries, Ceramics and Glass, Construction and Civil Engineering.

Also available: DIN-Taschenbuch, DIN-Taschenbücher

DNV GL rules, standards and guidelines are developed and based on the competence and experience of our engineers, extensive research and development programs and in close cooperation with our customers worldwide.

Dokmar is a maritime publisher. Dokmar books have been writtenmade and composed in close cooperation with persons and companies of the national and international maritime sector. Therefore the books are eminently suitable as textbooks and works of reference for students, seafarers and persons employed in the maritime sector. The lucid way in which the books are stylistically devised and composed, makes them quite suitable for a variety of levels and the various types of training and education. For certain types of training and education the books may contain sufficient information to cover the complete field of interest. For other types of training the books may be used as introduction or as works of reference.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) creates and adopts standards for materials, facilities, and engineering practices for the purpose of improving military operational readiness and reducing ownership costs and acquisition cycle time. DOD standards use non-Government standards and commercial technologies, products, and practices that meet DoD performance requirements.

Danish Standards is the national standardisation organisation in Denmark.

German association for gas and water. The DVGW was founded in 1859. Its main task is to create the technical regulations for safety and reliability of gas and water supply.

Über 400 Merkblättern und Richtlinien, Formeln, Tabellen, Bilder und Zeichnungen.

Preparing and updating the DWA Set of Rules and engaging in national and international cooperation to draft special standards. This work does not only refer to technical and scientific issues, but also to the economic and legal aspects of environmental and water protection.


EU Directives are available from Kreisler. A popular one is:

EEC 2012/16/EU – Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

EEMUA’s members come together in working groups and committees to share the breadth and depth of their engineering expertise. These collaborative efforts allow EEMUA to develop industry leading guidance and other publications that promote good and best practice. Engineers around the world recognise the technical quality of our guides. They use them widely across a variety of engineering settings.

EEMUA has developed more than 200 engineering guides, handbooks, information sheets and other publications.

International standards bodies, such as the ISO and IEC, have frequently used EEMUA’s publications as the basis of formal standards, or adopted them in their entirety as new standards. EEMUA is continually developing guidance in new areas and provding new editions of existing guides.

EEMUA publications on our website

The Energy Institute (EI) is the professional body for the energy industry, developing and sharing knowledge, skills and good practice towards a safe, secure and sustainable energy system. The EI is seen as a world class leader in test method development, developing and publishing international standard test methods (known as IP Test Methods) for petroleum and related products. We publish an annual compilation of test methods based on both traditional and modern instrumentation techniques (including joint methods with BSI, EN ISO and ASTM). These IP Test Methods are an essential part of any quality control regime and are necessary for national and international trading of petroleum and petroleum products.

Popular EI standards include: EI Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area classification for installations handling flammable fluids, EI Model Code of Safe Practice Part 16: Tank cleaning safety code

Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals, empowering them to make better decisions, deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries that advance the boundaries of knowledge and human progress.

EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment.

The Electrostatic Discharge Association (ESD) publishes documents covering electrostatic discharge in the electronics environment and other subject areas. As an ANSI-recognized standards organization topics are covered in standards, standard test methods, standard practices, technical reports, and advisory documents. From an initial emphasis on the effects of ESD on electronic components, the Association has broadened its horizons to include areas such as textiles, plastics, web processing, cleanrooms, and graphic arts. Cooperative efforts with JEDEC, military and government agencies and European standards bodies are also covered.

Our methods, best practices, data and software tools help solve complex Aerospace, Automotive, Mechanical, Structural and Process Engineering problems and enable better decision making during engineering design. ESDU complements internal design practices, addresses gaps in information and provides access to best in class industry expertise.

Industries where ESDU provides essential design methods and data include aerospace, defence, transportation, construction, oil and gas and chemicals among others. Customers include Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BAE SYSTEMS, Safran, Bombardier, Gulfstream, Saab, Rolls-Royce, UTC and more.

The ESDU offers its services across a wide variety of different engineering fields:

  • Aerodynamics
  • Aircraft noise
  • Composite materials
  • Dynamics
  • Fatigue
  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Heat Transfer
  • Mechanisms
  • Aircraft Performance
  • Physical Data, Chemical Engineering
  • Physical Data, Mechanical Engineering
  • Process Engineering Technology
  • Sound Propagation
  • Stress and Strength of Components
  • Structures
  • Transonic Aerodynamics
  • Tribology
  • Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue
  • Wind Engineering

ETSI documents are referenced by electronics engineers involved in the design and manufacture of telecommunications and microwave communications systems, radiotelephone systems, and computer/communications interface equipment. ETSI promotes worldwide standardization in telecommunications, broadcasting and information technology. The work of ETSI is closely aligned with the market needs of network operators, manufacturers, service providers, research institutions, and end users.

EUROCAE provides a European forum for resolving technical problems with electronic equipment for air transport. EUROCAE deals exclusively with aviation standardisation (Airborne and Ground Systems and Equipments) and related documents as required for use in the regulation of aviation equipment and systems.

EUROCAE is an association composed of members who are all specialized in one or several technical fields of Aeronautics and many of them are considered to be among world’s leaders in their domain. These members include Equipment and Airframe Manufacturers, Regulators, European and International Civil Aviation Authorities, Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), Airlines, Airports and other users.

Eurospan Group is Europe’s leading independent marketing, sales and distribution agency for publishers from North America, Africa and Asia-Pacific. Eurospan’s client portfolio comprises academic, scholarly and reference publishers from both the commercial and non-profit sectors, a prestigious group of medical association and academy publishers, a number of important scientific and technical societies and intergovernmental organisations and several special interest trade publishers. More than 100,000 print titles are available ex-stock while a further 10,000-15,000 are available through our Print-on-Demand partners. Approximately 6,000-7,000 new titles are released each year.


FCI is an association of manufacturers of equipment for fluid (liquid or gas) control and conditioning. The institute is organized into product- specific sections which address issues that are relevant to particular products and/or technologies.

Currently, FCI comprises the following sections:

  • Control Valve
  • Instrument
  • Pipeline Strainer
  • Regulator
  • Secondary Pressure Drainer
  • Solenoid Valve
  • Steam Trap

FEM’s mission is to represent and defend the technical, economic and political interests of European manufacturers of materials handling, lifting and storage equipment. And encourage technical progress, safety at work, sustainable development and energy efficiency in the materials handling industry.

A popular FEM standard is: FEM 5.022: Guideline: Work at Height – SAFETY MEASURE.

FM Approvals offers worldwide certification and testing services of industrial and commercial loss prevention products. Recognized and respected across the globe, FM Approvals certification assures customers that a product or service has been objectively tested and conforms to the highest national and international standards. A popular FM standard is: FMAPPROVAL 4477 – Vegetative Roof Systems.

Ford Standards from the Engineering Material Specifications and Laboratory Test Methods volumes, the Approved Source List Collection, Global Manufacturing Standards, Non-Production Material Specifications, and the Engineering Material Specs & Lab Test Methods Handbook. Ford Standards are available in many different sections to best fit your needs.


General Motors (GM) manufactures cars and trucks, with brands such as Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC. GM also builds cars through its GM, GM Korea, GM Europe, Vauxhall, and Holden units.

We can supply all General Motors standards and specifications for all GM sectors:

  • General Motors Worldwide
  • General Motors North America
  • General Motors Europe
  • General Motors South America
  • General Motors Korea
  • Holden Motor Co.

GOST standards are regional standards administered by the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC).

The collection of GOST standards includes over 20,000 titles used extensively in conformity assessment activities in 12 countries. Serving as the regulatory basis for government and private-sector certification programs throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the GOST standards cover energy, oil and gas, environmental protection, construction, transportation, telecommunications, mining, food processing, and other industries.

The following countries have adopted GOST standards in addition to their own, nationally developed standards: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, and Turkmenistan.

Formerly the Gas Processor’s Association, GPA serves the midstream energy industry by providing local, regional and global forums for standards development, industry research, education and improvements in operational safety. Publications include standards and methods for analysis, measurement and sampling of natural gas liquids.


HEI standards are recognized worldwide as the leading standards for heat exchange equipment.

Dedicated to excellence in the engineering, manufacturing and application of pumping equipment, HI standards are intended to eliminate misunderstandings between manufacturers, purchasers and customers. HI Pump Standards are widely used by consultants, contractors, engineering construction firms, manufacturers, libraries and universities, and pump users.


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 265 airlines or 83% of total air traffic. IATA supports many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues. IATA also helps airlines to operate safely, securely, efficiently, and economically under clearly defined rules.

IATA titles on our website

The purpose of this bureau was to supply information concerning (the application of) tax law and to stimulate the development of tax science. From that day, IBFD has steadily grown into what it is today: the world’s foremost authority on cross-border taxation. IBFD is the pre-eminent, independent (non-profit) foundation that tax practitioners from all over the world rely on for high quality:

  • General Motors Worldwide
  • General Motors North America
  • General Motors Europe
  • General Motors South America
  • General Motors Korea
  • Holden Motor Co.

A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. Specific topics covered by ICAO publications include: aircraft engine emissions, accident/incident reporting, environmental protection, noise assessment, flight crew fatigue, certification and inspection, aeronautical telecommunications, airport planning, airworthiness, personnel licensing and training.

ICAO titles on our website

The International Code Council (ICC), a membership association dedicated to building safety, fire prevention and energy efficiency, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. ICC founders include BOCA, ICBO and SBCCI. ICC works to develop a single, comprehensive, fully coordinated set of national model construction codes.

The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by the ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. The I-Codes are a complete set of comprehensive, coordinated building safety, fire prevention and energy efficiency codes. Building codes benefit public safety and support the industry’s need for one set of codes without regional limitations.

ICC titles on our website

The ICS (International Chamber of Shipping) is a trade association for merchant shipowners and operators, representing all sectors and trades and a large part of the world merchant fleet. ICS represents shipowners with the various intergovernmental regulatory bodies that impact on shipping, including the IMO (International Maritime Organization). ICS also develops best practices and guidance, including a wide range of publications that are used by ship operators globally.

Popular ICS publications include: Guide to helicopter/ship operations, Bridge Procedures Guide, Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code

IEA is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 29 member countries and beyond. The IEA has four main areas of focus: energy security, economic development, environmental awareness and engagement worldwide.

Popular IEA titles include: World Energy Outlook, Medium-Term Gas Market Report

The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is the world’s leading organization for the preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These are known collectively as “electrotechnology”and cover all electrical, electronic and associated technologies in the areas of power generation, transmission and distribution, medical equipment, semiconductors, fibre optics, nanotechnology and renewable energies.

Popular IEC standards include: IEC 60601-1: Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance, IEC 60529: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest professional association, serving members in computing, electrical engineering and electronics. Comprised of 37 societies and councils, IEEE publishes technical journals, magazines, proceedings, and more than 800 standards. We can supply all IEEE Standards, IEEE/ANSI Approved Standards, IEEE Computer Society Draft/Standards, as well as the Quick Reference to IEEE Standards. These documents cover topics such as: amplifiers, antennas, brushes, bushings, circuits, computers, connectors, crystals, dielectrics, diodes, generators, signal graphs, heating information theory, insulators, land vehicles, lightening arrestors, microphones, missiles, radiation receivers, rectifiers, regulators, relays, sheaths, switches, switch-gear, symbols, telemetry, telephones, television, thyristors, transducers, transformers, transmission, waveguides, and much more.

Popular IEEE standards include: NESC (National Electrical Safety Code), IEEE 802: Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) is the recognized technical authority on illumination. For over 100 years; its objective has been to communicate information on all aspects of good lighting practice to its members, to the lighting community, and to consumers, through a variety of programs, publications, and services.

Popular IES standards include: IES RP-8: Roadway Lighting, IES RP-20: Lighting for Parking Facilities

IFRS Standards bring transparency, accountability and efficiency to financial markets around the world. IFRS work serves the public interest by fostering trust, growth and long-term financial stability in the global economy. IFRS Standards are used by publicly accountable companies—those listed on a stock exchange and financial institutions, such as banks.
Popular IFRS standards include: IFRS Blue Book, IFRS Red Book

The mission of IFSTA is to identify areas of need for training materials and foster the development and validation of training materials for the fire service and related areas. IFSTA is an association of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading fire fighting techniques and safety through training.
Popular IFSTA titles include: Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, Essentials of Fire Fighting, Hazardous Materials for First Responders

IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

Shipping is perhaps the most international of the world’s industries, serving more than 90 per cent of global trade by carrying huge quantities of cargo cost effectively, cleanly and safely.

The ownership and management chain surrounding any ship can embrace many countries and ships spend their economic life moving between different jurisdictions, often far from the country of registry. There is, therefore, a need for international standards to regulate shipping – which can be adopted and accepted by all.

IMO publications on our website

see Energy Institute

IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) serves more than 2,900 member companies worldwide involved in designing, manufacturing, specifying and/or using printed circuit boards. Approximately 200 standards, guidelines and technical reports cover topics ranging from design and printed circuit board manufacturing to electronics assembly and testing. We can supply all IPC Guidelines, Test Method Manuals, Assembly-Joining Handbooks, Design Manuals, and Trouble Shooting Guides for Printed Board Manufacture and Assembly Guidelines; and covers printed boards, design; flexible printed wiring-encapsulated, single-side; multilayer printed wiring boards; modification and repair; solderability; and terms and definitions.

Popular IPC standards include: IPC-A-610: Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, IPC-A-600: Acceptability of Printed Boards

The International Society of Automation is a leading, global, nonprofit organization that is setting the standard for automation by helping over 30,000 worldwide members and other professionals solve difficult technical problems, while enhancing their leadership and personal career capabilities. ISA Standards help automation professionals streamline processes and improve industry safety, efficiency, and profitability.

Popular ISA standards include: ISA 18.2: Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries, ISA 5.1: Instrumentation Symbols and Identification, ISA 101.01: Human Machine Interfaces for Process Automation Systems

SEA, the International Safety Equipment Association, is the association for personal protective equipment and technologies – equipment and systems that enable people to do work in hazardous environments. Its member companies are world leaders in the design, manufacture, testing and application of protective clothing and equipment used in factories, construction sites, hospitals and clinics, farms, schools, laboratories, emergency response and in the home. ISEA is represented on technical committees at ANSI, NFPA, ASTM, CSA and ISO, and they provide counsel to regulatory bodies, including NIOSH, MSHA and OSHA.

Popular ISEA standards include: ANSI/ISEA Z358.1: American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment, ANSI/ISEA Z87.1: American National Standard – Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI/ISEA Z308.1: American National Standard – Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO Standards cover a wide variety of items ranging from medical equipment to shipbuilding. ISO Standards cover: Mechanical, Machinery, Chemistry, Coatings, Construction, Metals, Aerospace, Fuels, Energy, Transportation, Information, Image Technology, Quality, Measurements, Safety, Environment, Medical, and Consumer Goods.

Popular ISO standards include: ISO 9001: Quality management systems — Requirements, ISO 14001: Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use, ISO 13485: Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes

ISPE provides education, training, forums, and technical documents for professionals in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The Society publishes best-practice guides on a wide array of topics, including bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, sterile manufacturing facilities, commissioning and qualification, biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, and technology transfer.

Popular ISPE standards include: ISPE GAMP 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems, ISPE Good Practice Guide: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs. We allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.
The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) plays a vital role in the global management of the radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits – limited natural resources which are increasingly in demand from a large and growing number of services such as fixed, mobile, broadcasting, amateur, space research, emergency telecommunications, meteorology, global positioning systems, environmental monitoring and communication services – that ensure safety of life on land, at sea and in the skies.
ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) produced over 160 new and revised standards (ITU-T Recommendations), covering everything from core network functionality and broadband to next-generation services like IPTV.

Popular ITU standards include: ITU List IV – List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations, ITU Maritime Manual: Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services, Radio Regulations


Jane’s Information Group (often referred to as Jane’s) is a British publishing company specialising in military, aerospace and transportation topics.

Jane’s titles on our website

JIS covers industrial and mineral products, comparable to standards established by various industrial associations for specific needs, or standards established and used by companies (operation manuals, products specifications etc.). JSA also actively participates in deliberations taking place in ISO/TC 37 Terminology (principles and coordination), ISO/TC 46 Information and documentation, ISO/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods, ISO/TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance, ISO/TC 207 Environmental management, IEC/TC 1 Terminology, IEC/TC 3 Documentation and graphical symbols, IEC/TC 56 Dependability, among others, to develop international standards.

Popular JIS standards include: JIS Z 2371: Methods of salt spray testing, JIS K 6251: Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastics – Determination of tensile stress-strain properties

JEDEC is the global leader in developing open standards for the microelectronics industry. With over 4,000 volunteers representing nearly 300 member companies. JEDEC brings manufacturers and suppliers together on 50 different committees, creating standards to meet the diverse technical and developmental needs of the industry.

Popular JEDEC standards include: JEDEC J-STD-033: Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices, JEDEC JESD 625: Requirements for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive (ESDS) Devices

For 80 years, Jeppesen has been helping aviation professionals worldwide reach their destinations safely and efficiently. Today, they build on those roots by offering an ever-expanding array of innovative informational products, services, and software.

Popular Jeppesen products include: IFR Charts, JeppDirect


Kluwer is a global company that provides information, software, and services. Our customers are legal, business, tax, accounting, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and healthcare professionals.

Key Publishing is firmly established as the world’s leading publisher of transport and specialist leisure titles. KP has an extensive portfolio of consumer and business-to-business print and digital magazines operating in the sectors of aviation, flight simulation, road transport, rail, military history, sport and both railway and scale modelling.

Popular Key Publishing titles are: Hornby Magazine, Air Traffic Management Magazine, Airports International Magazine


The Laser Institute of America (LIA) is the professional society for laser applications and safety. Their mission is to foster lasers, laser applications, and laser safety worldwide. With the increased use of lasers in the workplace, more and more employees are being assigned the responsibility of leading the laser safety effort at their organizations. As you know, it is in the best interest of the employees and the organization to follow the standards set forth in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136 series of laser safety standards. LIA offers the most comprehensive selection of ANSI Laser Safety Standards—providing guidelines for implementing a safe laser program in industrial, medical, military and educational applications of lasers.

Popular LIA titles include: ANSI Z136.1: Safe Use of Lasers, ANSI Z136.8: Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing

Lloyd’s Register provides quality assurance and certification for ships, offshore structures, and shore-based installations such as power stations and railway infrastructure. However, Lloyd’s Register is known best for the classification and certification of ships, and inspects and approves important components and accessories, including life-saving appliances, marine pollution prevention, fire protection, navigation, radio communication equipment, deck gear, cables, ropes, and anchors.

Popular LR titles include: The Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, Rules for Offshore Units

Die Aktivitäten der Normenstelle Luftfahrt führen zu Verständigungsnormen über Werkstoffe, technologische Verfahren, mechanische Teile, Flugmechanik und Ausrüstung, Luftfahrt- und Bodengeräte, Elektrotechnik und Avionik bis zu Managementnormen der Luftfahrt.

Popular LN standards include: LN 1799 – Luft- und Raumfahrt – Rundstangen aus Aluminium-Knetlegierungen, gepresst – Maße, Massen


see ICS

McGraw-Hill Professional helps individuals excel in their learning and occupations by providing timely and authoritative knowledge to professionals around the world.

Includes publications issued by the UK Ministry of Defence’s Directorate of Standardisation (DSTAN). This product is available as a complete collection or in the following sections:

  • MOD UK Defence Standards – Current
  • MOD UK Defence Specifications
  • MOD UK Aviation Publication and Specifications (AVP)
  • MOD UK Defence Contract Quality Assurance (DEFCON/QA)

Popular MOD UK titles include: DEF STAN 59-411 Part 1: Electromagnetic Compatibility Part 1: Management and Planning, DEF STAN 59-411 Part 3: Electromagnetic Compatibility Part 3: Test Methods and Limits for Equipment and Sub Systems

The primary source of statistically-based design allowable properties for metallic materials and fasteners used in many different commercial and military aerospace applications around the world. Publisher Batelle produces in partnership with government, industry and educational professionals experienced in the application and use of statistically-based properties. Recognized by certifying agencies within their limitations: including FAA, DoD and NASA.

Popular MMPDS title: Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization (MMPDS) Handbook, 9 chapters

The Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry is a non-profit technical association organized for development and improvement of industry, national and international codes and standards for: Valves, Valve Actuators, Valve Modification, Pipe Fittings, Pipe Hangers, Pipe Supports, Flanges, and Associated Seals.

Popular MSS titles inlcude: MSS SP 55: Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components – Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularitie, MSS SP 75: High-Strength, Wrought, Butt-Welding Fittings.

MSS standards on our website


NACE International is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the study of corrosion. NACE works to protect people, infrastructure, the environment, and the economy from the effects of corrosion by promoting engineering and research. The NACE collection includes standards, recommended practices, test methods, and material requirements for corrosion prevention. These publications cover subjects such as: control of external corrosion on underground metallic piping systems; stainless steel; steel pipelines and piping systems; coatings for underground pipelines; removal of oxygen from water; coal tar epoxy; organic corrosion; resistant floor surfacings; oil bearings formations; design, installation, operation, and maintenance of impressed current deep groundbeds; offshore steel pipelines; sulfide stress cracking at ambient temperatures; sulfide stress cracking resistance metallic material for oil field equipment; and material requirements in prefabricated plastic film for pipeline coatings.

Popular NACE standards include: NACE MR0175: Petroleum and natural gas industries – Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production (Identical to ISO 15156-1:2015, ISO 15156-2:2015, ISO 15156-3:2015), NACE SP0472: Methods and Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments

NEMA’s member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end-use of electricity. These products are used in utility, medical imaging, industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential applications.

We can supply all NEMA standards dealing with rating, testing performance, manufacture, and applications of a wide range of electrical equipment: controls for electric water heaters; oil burner controls; electric baseboard heaters; conduit and cable; high voltage insulators; industrial storage bateries; high-voltage fuses; power switch gear assemblies; electrical connectors; washer head bolts and nuts; plastic tree guards; guide to pin and sleeve plugs, receptables, and connectors; smoke detectors; coaxial communication cable; X-ray tubes; and installation procedures.

Popular NEMA standards include: ANSI Z535 Series & Color Chart: Product Safety Signs and Labels, NEMA 250: Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)

The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors promoteW greater safety to life and property through uniformity in the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and inspection of pressure equipment. The National Board membership oversees adherence to laws, rules, and regulations relating to boilers and pressure vessels. Publisher of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), this American National Standard is the only standard recognized worldwide for in-service inspection repairs and alterations of boilers and pressure vessels.

Popular NBBI standard: NBBI NB23: National Board Inspection Code – NBIC

The world’s leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks. We can supply from NFPA’s entire collection. Some of the areas covered include Fire Protection, Hazardous Materials, Fire Extinguishing Systems, Electrical Safety, and many more. The NFPA Service also includes the complete text of many popular handbooks: Fire Protection Handbook; National Fuel Gas Code Handbook; LP-Gases Handbook; National Fire Alarm Code Handbook; Fire Prevention Code Handbook; Life Safety Code Handbook; National Electrical Code Handbook; Health Care Facilities Handbook; Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook; Fire Pump Handbook and Occupational Health and Safety Handbook.

Popular NFPA standards include: NPFA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 54: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

NFPA publications on our website

The Norwegian Maritime Authority has jurisdiction over ships registered in Norway and foreign ships arriving Norwegian ports.The Authority also manages the Norwegian International Ship Register – NIS and the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register – NOR. The NMD works to encourage shipping companies to maintain high standards of safety as well as minimizing harmful emissions. The Authority works to achieve its objectives through the UN agencies IMO and ILO and the European Union.

A popular NMD title is: NMD Regulation for Mobile offshore Units (Regler for flyttbare innretninger)

The Norsok standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore, Norsok standards are as far as possible intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as references in the authorities regulations. Also available: Standards Norway (SN), the Norwegian Electrotechnical Committee (NEK) and The Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom).

A non-governmental organisation (NGO) with consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Our aim is to promote professionalism, best practice and safety throughout the maritime industry and to represent the interests of our members.

Nautical institute books on our website


Austrian Standards ist seit 1920 die österreichische Plattform für die Entwicklung von Standards, Normen und Regelwerken, die sicherstellen, dass eins zum anderen passt und das Leben verlässlich besser funktioniert.


The Petroleum Equipment Institute is a trade association whose members manufacture, distribute and service petroleum marketing and liquid-handling equipment. Members include manufacturers, sellers and installers of equipment used in service stations, terminals, bulk plants, fuel, oil and gasoline delivery, and similar petroleum marketing operations.

Popular PEI standards include: PEI RP100: Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, PEI RP500: Recommended Practices for Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Fuel Dispensing Equipment

The PFI exists solely for the purpose of ensuring a level of quality in the pipe fabrication industry that is without compromise.

We can supply all standards and technical bulletins of the Pipe Fabrication Institute. These publications cover topics such as: Internal machining and solid machined backing rings for circumferential butt welds; Dimensioning pipe assemblies; Fabricating tolerances; Hydrostatic testing of fabricated pipe; Permanent marking on piping materials; Wall thickness measurement by ultrasonic examination; Color coding of piping materials; Pipe bending tolerances; Abrasive blast cleaning of ferritic piping materials; Tool calibration; Pressure-temperature ratings of seamless pipe used in power plant piping systems; Reinforcement tables for steel pipe, pipe fabricator, and quality control.

Popular PFI standards include: PFI ES3: Fabricating Tolerances

The Pilot Shop offers a broad range of products, from knee boards to life boats, from log books to flight bags and a wide selection of top class headsets, GPS and other aviation electronics.

Portland Press Limited (PPL), the wholly-owned trading subsidiary of The Biochemical Society, is a leading innovative publisher of journals, books and electronic resources.


RBI is part of RELX Group (formerly known as Reed Elsevier) and provides business information, industry critical data services and workflow solutions in multiple formats across a variety of sectors.

Chartered by the FAA to operate Federal advisory committees, RTCA employs a consensus-driven process to generate minimum performance standards for CNS/ATM systems and equipment; to forge recommendations on key aviation policies, and identifying and developing mitigation on issues affecting air traffic management operations. RTCA’s performance standards form the basis for FAA regulatory requirements; RTCA’s policy advice informs the FAA’s prioritization and investment decisions; and RTCA’s tactical advice helps resolve real-world impediments to air transportation today.

Popular RTCA standards include: RTCA DO-160: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, RTCA DO-178: Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification


SAE standards are internationally recognized for their role in helping ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of products and services across the mobility engineering industry. They contain detailed production and interoperability guidelines; clarify legal and regulatory grey areas; condense product development cycles; ensure consistency and high quality in manufacturing; and lead the way to maximum performance.

Popular SAE standards include: SAE AS 9100: Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations, SAE AS 9101: Quality Management Systems Audit Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Organizations

SAE Standards on our website

As the world’s leading provider of business software such as comprising enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, customer relationship management, product life-cycle management, and supplier relationship management, SAP and Galileo Press deliver products and services that help accelerate business innovation.

Springer publishes English-language journals and books, including those published by our other highly regarded imprints and publishing houses, including Adis, Apress and BioMed Central, to name a few. Librarians, researchers, students and faculty at the world’s most prestigious research institutions – academic, corporate and public – have come to trust and rely on Springer’s high quality content in five main fields: science, technology, medicine, business and transport.

SSPC is the only non-profit association that is focused on the protection and preservation of concrete, steel and other industrial and marine structures and surfaces through the use of high-performance protective, marine and industrial coatings. SSPC is the leading source of information on surface preparation, coating selection, coating application, environmental regulations, and health and safety issues that affect the protective coatings industry.

Popular SAE standards include: SSPC PA 2: Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements, SSPC VIS 2: Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirement, SSPC SP 1: Solvent Cleaning

Decode / decipher steel designations with the cross reference manual Stahlschlüssel – Key to Steel and find equivalent materials worldwide! Available from Kreisler.

With over 200 years of history and heritage in legal publishing, Sweet & Maxwell offers detailed and specialist knowledge, understanding, interpretation and commentary across a wide range of subjects.

The most popular Sweet & Maxwell on our website.


Taylor & Francis partners with world-class authors, from leading scientists and researchers, to scholars and professionals operating at the top of their fields. Together, we publish in all areas of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine sectors. We are one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, text books and reference works.

Trade association of leading manufacturers of shell and tube heat exchangers. TEMA Standards and software have achieved worldwide acceptance as the authority on shell and tube heat exchanger mechanical design.

Most popular: TEMA Book of Standards

Thema is een moderne, gespecialiseerde uitgeverij die zich richt op het verbeteren van het persoonlijk functioneren van mensen, met name mensen in werksituaties. Thema maakt boeken, spellen en waaiers die de professionele kwaliteiten van mensen en de organisaties waar zij werken naar een hoger plan tillen. De boeken zijn geschreven vanuit en voor de praktijk. De boeken, spellen en waaiers zijn heel toegankelijk: veel herkenbare voorbeelden, weinig jargon, geen wetenschappelijke betogen maar inspirerende teksten, en vooral ook niet te dik. Uniek is ook het feit dat Uitgeverij Thema deel uitmaakt van de Schouten & Nelissen Groep: een groep vooraanstaande opleidingsinstituten gespecialiseerd in het ontwikkelen van mensen.

Provides a dedicated source for QA/QC services, engineering and training with the goal of reducing the risks of equipment failure and consequential non-productive time (NPT) in drilling and completions operations.

Popular TH HILL standards include: TH HILL DS-1 SET – Volume 1: Drilling Tubular Product Specification, Volume 2: Drill Stem Design and Operation, Volume 3: Drill Stem Inspection, Volume 4: Drilling Specialty Tools.

Offers a comprehensive bibliographic database of official publications, packed with information vital to businesses and professionals, is second to none.

Publications are organised by subject category allowing for easy browsing and navigation, with details of new and forthcoming releases and current bestsellers, as well as The Daily List – a daily update of all official publications published and distributed by TSO, featuring abstracts from the day’s key titles.


UL Standards encompass UL’s extensive safety research and scientific expertise. With over a century of experience in the development of more than 1,500 Standards, UL is an accredited standards developer in the US and Canada. In extending UL Standards’ global footprint beyond North America, UL has entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with countries around the world in helping build a safer, more sustainable world.

Popular UL Standards include: UL508A – Industrial Control Panels, UL921 – Commercial Dishwashers

UL Standards encompass UL’s extensive safety research and scientific expertise. With over a century of experience in the development of more than 1,500 Standards, UL is an accredited standards developer in the US and Canada. In extending UL Standards’ global footprint beyond North America, UL has entered into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with countries around the world in helping build a safer, more sustainable world.

Popular UN publications include: UN ADR , UN ADN, UN Model Regulations, UN Manual of Tests and Criteria


The VDA nationally and internationally promotes the interests of the entire German automotive industry.

Popular VDA publication: VDA Volume 19.1 – Inspection of Technical Cleanliness -Particulate Contamination of Functionally Relevant Automotive Components.

VDE Verlag GmbH, the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe with more than 36,000 members. The electrotechnical DIN standards issued by the DKE (Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik in DIN und VDE) are part of the German standards collection. These electrotechnical safety standards receive a VDE classification number and are included in the VDE Specifications Code of Safety Standards.

Today, approximately 200 VDI Standards based on the latest technical developments are produced by the VDI’s technical divisions per year. That way the VDI has systematically built up a set of technical regulations, wich today contains more than 2000 valid VDI Standards extensively covering the broad field of technology. Today’s topics range from securing loads on road vehicles to testing of optical fibres up to biomimetics and monitoring the consequences of genetically modified organisms.

VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) represents more than 3,200 mostly medium-sized companies in the capital goods industry, making it the largest industry association in Europe.

VdTÜV (Association of Technical Inspection Agencies) advocates technical safety and trust in products, plants and services by independent testing in Berlin andBrussels. Its members are the TÜV organisations as well as industrial companies which are affiliated with the objectives and tasks of the association.

PopularVdTÜV publications include: AD 2000 Merkblatter, AD 2000 Code

W – Z

Wiley Global Education serves undergraduate, graduate, and advanced placement students, lifelong learners, and, in Australia, secondary school students. They publish educational materials in all media. The programs target the sciences, engineering, computer science, mathematics, business and accounting, statistics, geography, hospitality and the culinary arts, education, psychology, and modern languages.

Marine training, reference and regulatory materials and specialist books and publications for the shipping industry.

More Witherby’s publication on our website.

The establishment of WHO Press consolidates publishing activities within WHO and reflects the importance of knowledge sharing in a world where the health needs of the world’s poor are not being met, as demonstrated by the findings of the 10/90 gap study of the Global Forum for Health Research.

WHO Press becomes the publisher of choice for the dissemination of important scientific, technical and medical advice that WHO wishes to deliver to the world.

WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) with 191 Member States and Territories. It is the UN system’s authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

Popular WMO Codes: WMO-306 – Manual on Codes , WMO-9 – Weather Reporting – Vol.A, Observing stations; C1, Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins; C2, Transmission Schedules; D, Information for shipping

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