Specification for Stainless Steel Flux Cored and Metal Cored Welding Electrodes and Rods.
Classification and other requirements are specified for numerous grades of flux cored and metal cored stainless steel electrodes and rods. New classifications include a duplex alloy and three high carbon classifications not previously classified. New classifications also include all of the metal cored electrodes that are currently in A5.9/A5.9M. In the next revision of A5.9/A5.9M these metal cored electrodes will be deleted from that specification.
Designations for the flux cored electrodes and rods indicate the chemical composition of the weld metal, the position of welding, and the external shielding gas required (for those classifications for which one is required). Designations for the metal cored electrodes indicate the chemical composition of the weld metal only.
The requirements include general requirements, testing, and packaging. Annex A provides general application guidelines for individual alloys and other useful information about welding electrodes. ANSI Approved. approx.
Chris Herickx
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TMA Logistics
Service gut. Es hieß netterweise, dass bald eine neue Version herauskommen würde. und wenn ich darauf warten wollte. Spitze
Scott Specialty Gases NL
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TLogistics BV
Sehr gut. Das Buch war ausverkauft, wurde aber relativ schnell geliefert