This edition has undergone a major revision to reflect the evolution in the management of ballast water since the ratification of the BWM Convention. The book sets out the current national and international ballast water legislation but also details the practical installation, operational and reporting considerations of complying with these regulations. Since 28th October 2020, only BWMS with revised 2016 G8/BWMS Code Type Approval are permitted to be installed on ships that must comply with the BWM Convention. Updated data sheets with system design limitations for these BWMS are included.
This publication provides up to date information on the regulations and equipment options available and will assist ship owners with transition to full compliance with the BWM Convention. It provides detailed information on the various treatment technologies and significant components. Guidance on the onboard requirements relating to ballast water management is also provided, including the Ballast Water Record Book, Port State Control, ballast water sampling and monitoring, and the importance of contingency measures. The Appendices detail an updated list of IMO Guidance Documents for the BWM Convention and also describe key invasive species.